Redbone Celebrity Tournament Series

Redbone ~ Celebrating the Adventurous Lifestyle



The Redbone Journal

Discerning sportsmen and women who appreciate the finest in tackle, outdoor gear and the literature of their sports. Stir in an undying appreciation for challenge, an eye for the sublime, and a taste for adventure. Men and women who play hard, but remember that it is, after all, play. Sportsmen who like to rough it sometimes, but with style. Go ahead, look in the mirror - it's you, our reader.



Reader's Interests
Saltwater Fishing 95%
Flats Fising 95%
Offshore Fishing 60%
Freshwater Fishing 35%
Upland Birds Hunting 20%
Waterfowl Hunting 10%
Big Game Hunting 2%
Camping 10%
Travel / Adventure 75%
Kayaking, Canoeing and other non-fishing water activity 20%


Likely to purchase
Sports Clothing 100%
Recreational Vehicle 60%
Boats 45%
Fishing Tackle 80%
Vacation Packages 75%


(Survey based on Redbone Series participation)

Distribution / Readership
Subscribers 5,000
Newsstands, tackle shops and visitors' centers 5,000
In-room luxury resorts 5,000
Retail / specialty 3,000
Promotional purposes 2,000

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